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DSH,全文名稱為:Deutsche Sprachpruefung fuer den Hochschulzugang,意即德國大學入學的語言考試(DSH考試只能在德國境內各大學參加,由各大學主辦)要通過這項語言考試,才能進入德國大學就讀(或者另外的TestDaF考試)。


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  • Mar 05 Sun 2006 19:15
  • 例句



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Kultureinrichtungen von A bis Z

Abenteuerspielplatz Eller

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DAAD: General and specific information about Higher Education in Germany

DAAD: International Degree Courses

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1.中國國家圖書館(the National Library of China)


TheNational Library of China is a comprehensive research library, anational repository of the home publications, a national bibliographiccenter, a national center of library information networks, and thelibrary research and development center. The Library serves for centrallegislature, government, key research institutions, academy, education,business and the general public. The Library is responsible forimplementing the official cultural agreements and conductscommunication and cooperation with the libraries both at home andabroad. The Library has a rich collection of 22,400,000 volumes,ranking fifth in the libraries of the world. In the collection thereare 270,000 volumes of rare books; 1,600,000 volumes of general ancientbooks; 35,000 pieces of the scripted turtle shells and animal bones.The Library not only has the largest collection of Chinese books in theworld, but also the biggest collection of materials in foreignlanguages in the country. It has a strong collection in thosematerials, such as manuscripts of the notables, revolutionaryhistorical materials, Chinese doctoral dissertations, the UNpublications and the increased number of e-publications.

2.柏林国家图书馆(the Berlin State Library)


Alsgrößte Universalbibliothek Deutschlands ist die Staatsbibliothek einZentrum der nationalen Literaturversorgung. Der Schwerpunkt ihres 10Millionen Bände umfassenden internationalen Druckschriftenbestandesliegt in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften. Ihre bedeutendenSammlungen, darunter herausragende Handschriften, Musikalien,Orientalia, Ostasiatica und Karten sowie ein umfangreicher Bestandhistorischer Drucke prägen ebenso wie ihre vielfältigen internationalenDienstleistungen das besondere Ansehen der Bibliothek weit über dieGrenzen Deutschlands hinaus.

3.不列顛圖書館(The British Library)


TheBritish Library is the national library of the United Kingdom and oneof the world´s greatest libraries. Our vision is to make the world´sintellectual, scientific and cultural heritage accessible, and to bringthe collections of the British Library to everyone - at work, school,college or home. · We receive a copy of every publication produced inthe UK and Ireland The collection includes 150 million items, in mostknown languages · 3 million new items are incorporated every year · Wehouse manuscripts, maps, newspapers, magazines, prints and drawings,music scores, and patents · The Sound Archive keeps sound recordingsfrom 19th-century cylinders to the latest CD, DVD and minidiscrecordings · We house 8 million stamps and other philatelic items ·These require over 625 km of shelves, and grow 12km every year · If yousee 5 items today, it would take you 80,000 years to see the whole ofthe collection · The earliest dated printed book, the Diamond Sutra,can be seen in our exhibition galleries alongside many other nationaltreasures · We have on-site space for over 1,200 readers · Over 16,000people use the collections each day · Online catalogues, informationand exhibitions can be found on this website · We operate the world´slargest document delivery service providing some 4 million items a yearto customers all over the world

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